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Trinn for å tjene en Iron-On Overføringsbilde av Elaine Estelle
you've got. Some sorts work solely with inkjet printers, whereas others
work solely with optical device printers or color copiers.
2, Look for transfer paper that is designed for your project. Use white
or lightweight T-shirts or materials if you intend to place the decal on
lightweight coloured material, or get iron-on paper that is particularly
created for black or dark materials if you intend to place the decal on dark
3, Create your decal style during a publishing program. you'll use a family
photograph, computer graphics or AN emblem you draw yourself to form
the decal. Add text to the decal style if desired.
4, Print the decal style on plain paper to check however it's. modify the
dimensions, color and layout of the decal if required.
5, Flip the decal style in order that it's backwards on the screen if you are
employing a image or words that solely add one direction. That way, the
decal can look right once it's smoothened on.
6, Insert one sheet of iron-on paper in your printer's input receptacle. Use
the special media receptacle or input slot if your printer has one. Follow
the printer manufacturer's directions for loading the iron-on paper.
7, Print the decal on the iron-on paper. Cut out the decal employing a sharp
8, Position the decal, with the backing aspect up, on a clean cotton garment
or piece of material. Set the iron to the high setting, or the setting suggested
by the iron-on paper manufacturer.
9, Cover the decal with a cotton hanky or scrap of cotton material. Press
the paper firmly, with the iron covering the whole transfer, for the length
of your time suggested by the pape
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