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Lær hvordan du bruker Transfer Paper Effektivt av Christine Cora
The process of transferring a design onto another item through heat
and pressure is called dye sublimation. This process can be performed on a
variety of different materials
, including clothing items like t-shirts and sweatshirts, mouse pads and coffee
mugs. When applying designs onto
you'll need a special kind of sublimation paper to produce a clean,
crisp transfer and avoid ink runs or smudges.
These instructions can also be applied to lights. This transfer paper for
inkjet printers, can be printed especially suitable for high-resolution
photographs. You can image on all colored fabrics, preferable 100% cotton.
Create your t-shirts, caps, mouse pads, bags, etc.
Application Instructions
1, Determine which side of the transfer paper is imaged in your
inkjet. Place the paper in your printer so that the blank coated side is
imaged. DO NOT USE MIRROR IMAGE. Do Not Use T-shirt Transfer
Settings either. For best results, use high resolutions or photo quality
2,Trim away the unprinted paper around your image.
3,Remove the paper backing from the transfer film. (Tip: Tear the
paper backing slightly, 1/8", for easy removal of the paper.)
4,Position the imaged transfer film on the garment with the printed
side face up.
5,Cover imaged transfer film with enclosed silicon paper. This is to
protect the imaged transfer film. The silicone paper is reusable so do
not throw away after use.Allow silicon to cool completely and peel
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